Keep Your Refrigerator Clean with These Tips

Buying a fridge and using it is not enough. In order for your fridge to have a long life, it is important to get maintenance done regularly. Cleaning your ...

Ensure Your AC is Working Properly This Summer with These Tips

Every household has an AC unit, especially since it's summer time. AC has become a necessity. They are essential to giving you and your family a pleasant ...

5 AC Installation Tips Every Homeowner Must Know

With summer getting hotter every year, the AC is not just another appliance but a necessity these days. An AC is a great source of comfort, cool, and ...

5 Warning Signs That Your Air Conditioner is About to Fail

One of the main reasons people face AC breakage is because they fail to notice the warning signs. As a homeowner, it will come in handy to be familiar with ...

5 Reasons Why Your AC is Blowing Warm Air

With the summer at its peak, it is of great comfort that our house is equipped with an AC unit. Needless to say, your AC should not blow out warm air. The air ...

5 Things to Look for When Buying a Fridge

A refrigerator, commonly known as a fridge, is one of the appliances that is found in almost every household. It is an important appliance, especially with ...

When Should Your Repair or Replace Your Air Conditioner

With summer around the corner, we have to make sure that we are ready to face this summer. One of the major steps towards preparing oneself for summer is ...

6 Tips to Improve the Efficiency of Air Conditioner

With summer at its peak, one of the most used appliances in a home is the air conditioner. It's astonishing that, despite being the most used appliance, ...

5 Ways to Reduce Energy Consumption by Your Refrigerator

The fridge might be your favourite appliance, after all, it's where your favourite ice cream is stored. Since the job of this appliance is to serve you 24*7, ...

8 Brilliant Hacks to Remove Odour from Your Refrigerator

Odours in the refrigerator can come from lots of places, Read this post to learn how to get rid of odours in refrigerator, After you've applied these tips, ...

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