6 Tips to Improve the Efficiency of Air Conditioner

With summer at its peak, one of the most used appliances in a home is the air conditioner. It’s astonishing that, despite being the most used appliance, people still struggle with maintaining and improving air conditioner efficiency. One of the key factors to determining if your AC is not working efficiently is the increase in your utility bill.

So, if you are among those who wonder why their electric bill shows an incredible spike in the summer, don’t worry, we are here to help.

Here are a few tips to take care of this summer to get the most out of your air conditioner without affecting your utility bill:

  • Maintaining the condenser unit and vents
    Clear the condenser unit of any deposits or debris, as clogged drain lines are one of the major causes of air conditioner issues. A condenser will give optimal performance if it is completely clean. Checking for debris regularly might prevent clogging and, hence, will ensure a longer lifespan of your appliance. This is one of the tasks that owners can and should do themselves.

    Similar to the condenser unit, it is also important to unblock your vents as well. Vacuum vents regularly to avoid any blockage by debris. Also, make sure that vents are not blocked by any furniture, curtains, toys, or any other household items. A clear vent is also necessary to maintain clean and steady airflow in your house.

    Failure to take care of these will lead to the overworking of the air conditioner and, hence, an increased electric bill!!
  • Keep the curtains and blinds closed!!
    In the hot summer, keep your curtains and blinds closed and try to keep your room from warming up.

    The aim should be to keep our homes less warm in the summer. Doing this will help your air conditioner work less to keep your house cool, and hence, will increase it life and decrease your utility bill. It will help you save money by reducing the strain on your air conditioner. You can start by having blackout curtains, drapes, or any other kind of shade that doesn’t allow heat to pass through your window.
  • Keep your outside condenser in the shade.
    Peak summer temperatures can put a lot of strain on the outside condenser unit, causing it to work overtime to cool your room. To avoid unnecessary wear and tear on your air conditioner, it is advisable to put shade on it.
  • Check for leaks!!
    All the ductwork must be properly sealed to prevent air conditioning from leaking out. Any leak will force the air conditioner to work harder to cool your house. As a result, it is best to hire a professional to inspect the duct for leaks and repair them if necessary.
  • Change the AC filter:
    With time, dust, dirt, and small debris get deposited on the AC filter. Dust on filters increases the workload on the AC and, hence, there is a decrease in its working efficiency. As we have already established this far, lower efficiency means an increase in utility bills. Therefore, it is important to regularly check the filters and make sure to change them every 1-2 months.

    Properly maintained air filters also mean improved air quality and reduced wear and tear on your air conditioner, thus increased life span.
  • Have regular maintenance.
    Purchasing an appliance is not enough; it must also run efficiently and for an extended period of time. Regular maintenance is essential for a happy air conditioner, whether it is old or new.

    Even though scheduled maintenance can cost a little, it prevents the out-of-the-blue large expense of damaged or broken parts of the air conditioner.

    Because we primarily use air conditioners in the summer, once-a-year maintenance is sufficient. Actually, spring is the best time to get your air conditioner maintenance, as it helps prevent any emergency breakdowns during peak summer.

An air conditioner, actually is not an inexpensive item to buy on a whim, it’s a good amount of investment. Hence, it is really necessary that it runs efficiently and also for a long time. Heavy electrical appliances have a certain negative impact on the environment as well, so it is advised that we run our air conditioner efficiently in a way that we can reduce our carbon footprint as well as utility bills.

So, this summer, let’s get the most out of our beloved air conditioner without burning any holes in our pockets.

Happy Summer!!

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